Do you have trouble deciphering what is best for you?

______ ⚜️ ______

Is it hard to silence the noise of others opinions,
suggestions and well meant advice?

______ ⚜️ ______

Are you often...

  • unsure about what you should be doing.
  • constantly second guessing yourself.
  • relying on external validation for guidance and direction.
  • overwhelmed with options.
  • feeling stressed, overstretched and tired.

What if I told you it was possible to fully trust yourself?

...and that decision making could be easy - even enjoyable!

Truth be told...

You are the expert on You.

Looking inwards to find this information can be overwhelming.

______ ⚜️ ______

This course is here to HELP You!

______ ⚜️ ______

Putting you in the drivers seat by....

  • Empowering you with knowledge.
  • Equipping you with tools and techniques.
  • Supporting you on the journey to deeper understanding.
  • Giving you a straight forward process to follow.

What happens when you are NOT in the drivers seat...

  • More easily influenced by others who may have their own agenda and not necessarily your best interests at heart.
  • Can feel more vulnerable, sensitive and insecure.
  • Often feel more resentment and bitterness towards others and/or self.
  • Can lead to depression. As part of self is de-pressed and not having opportunity to be expressed.

Objectives of this course:

To guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself. Then to empower you will knowledge, tools and techniques so you can use that knowledge for your highest good.

What you will learn....

  • How to identify your values and what importance they play in your overall experience.
  • What important information is behind unpleasant emotions.
  • Your current communication style and how to assert yourself.
  • How to become emotionally mature by holding space for your own emotional experiences. Instead of being at the whim of emotions and getting tossed around.
  • Techniques to stay empowered in physical discomfort.
  • What measure you can put in place to protect yourself.
  • How to ask the right questions so you can uncover the most useful information when choosing practitioners to work with.
  • …and more!